Quick Start
Below is a basic working example that highlights the SDK workflow. If you have not yet installed the SDK, follow these instructions.
import dbnl
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
num_results = 500
test_data = pd.DataFrame({
"idx": np.arange(num_results),
"age": np.random.randint(5,95, num_results),
"loc": np.random.choice(["NY", "CA", "FL"], num_results),
"churn_gtruth": np.random.choice([True, False], num_results)
# example user ml app / model
def churn_predictor(input):
return 1.0 / (1.0 + np.exp(-(input["age"] / 10.0 - 3.5)))
def evaluate_predicton(data):
return (data["churn_score"] > 0.5 and data["churn_gtruth"]) or \
(data["churn_score"] < 0.5 and not data["churn_gtruth"])
test_data["churn_score"] = test_data.apply(churn_predictor, axis=1)
test_data["pred_correct"] = test_data.apply(evaluate_predicton, axis=1)
test_data = test_data.astype({"age": "int", "loc": "category"})
# Use DBNL
proj = dbnl.get_or_create_project(name="example_churn_predictor")
run = dbnl.report_run_with_results(